Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 34mm Tri Clamp
- 34mm Tri Clamp X Tri Clamp Compatible Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X NPT Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Hose Barb Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Cam & Groove Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Quick Disconnect Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Beer Thread Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Garden Hose Thread adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Corny Post Thread Adapter
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Compression Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Flare Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X BSP Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible Clamps
- Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- Tri Clamp Compatible Valves
- Tri Clamp Compatible Ferrules
- Tri Clamp Compatible Caps
- Tri Clamp Compatible Elbows
- Tri Clamp Compatible Tees
- Tri Clamp Compatible Wyes
- Tri Clamp Compatible Crosses
- Tri Clamp Compatible Sight Glasses
- Tri Camp Compatible Concentric Reducers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Eccentric Reducers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Cap-Style Reducers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Spools
- Tri Clamp Compatible Check Valves
- Tri Clamp Compatible PRV Tank Breathers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Pressure Gauges
Shop By Size
- 1/2"-3/4" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 1"/1.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 2" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 2.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 3" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 4" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 6" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 8" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 10" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 12" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
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- 1/2" & 3/4" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 1"/1.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 2" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 2.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 3" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 4" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 6" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 8" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 10" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 12" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
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42 Gallon Stainless Steel Glycol Jacketed Conical Unitank
42 Gallon Stainless Steel Dual Zone Glycol Jacketed Conical Unitank with Tri Clover Compatible Fittings.
Free shipping to commercial addresses in the lower 48 states!
Our conicals are heavy duty and are shipped via freight to ensure a proper delivery and so no damage occurs during shipping. Please include your phone number at checkout for the freight company to schedule a drop-off.
After years in development, we feel we have the best small batch size stainless steel conical fermentor on the market. This model is a 42 gallon volume which has plenty of headspace for 1BBL batches. All of our fermentors are fully welded and polished internally and externally. This version features a glycol cooling jacket and is fully insulated.
The Features That Make Our Fermentors Unique
- Massive 2" bottom dump valve. While a 1.5" dump should be considered the minimum size to be effective, it's often clogged by more flocculent yeast or trub sediment high in hop or protein material. Even though 2" valves and fittings are more expensive, we felt this was the best overall size to reduce any chance of clogging the dump, especially when you're trying to recover the yeast after racking off the weight of the beer.
- Our lid design is a simple and easy to use Tri Clover compatible cap. No large and awkward lid with a proprietary gasket to deal with, Tri Clover Compatible gaskets are readily available and affordable enough to keep extras on hand. Our 15 gallon model has a 6" lid for easy cleaning and 20 gallon and up models feature an 8" lid. The lid features a 3" Tri Clover Compatible access port that mounts the included 1" blow-off fitting and can mount our 3" Tri Clover Compatible CIP Spray Ball.
- Triple Sealed rotating racking arm. All of the higher end conical fermentors on the market have a rotating racking arm, but most are dependent on just the TC gasket to seal it. When you loosen the clamp to rotate the arm, you're faced with a tricky balance of loosening it enough to rotate without it leaking. We've solved that issue by adding 2 additional o-rings ahead of the Tri Clover compatible clamp attachment, eliminating the leaking issue and isolating that joint from your wort. The o-rings are captured on the arm itself so they are easily removed for cleaning and sanitizing. The ferrule on the body of the fermentor is a standard 1.5" ferrule with no special machining.
- Separate 1.5" Tri Clover Compatible temperature monitoring port includes a thermowell and dial thermometer or add one of our TC flange-mounted temperature sensors for BCS-460 / BCS-462 control.
Standard Items Included with our Stainless Steel Conical Fermentors
- 2" Tri Clover Compatible Butterfly valve for the bottom dump, including a 2" sanitary 90 degree elbow and 2" Tri Clover Compatible X 2" hose barb adapter
- 1" Tri Clover Compatible Butterfly valve for the rotating racking arm, including a 1/2" hose barb adapter
- 1.5" Tri Clover Compatible X 6" sanitary thermowell with 1/2" FPT inlet for the thermometer.
- 3" Face Dial Thermometer.
- 3" Tri Clover Compatible X 1" 90 degree hose barb blow-off fitting for the lid.
- All of the required clamps and gaskets to be able to use your fermentor when you get it.
- Overall height including 90* blow-off barb adapter: 63"
- Cylinder Diameter: 22.5" at outer jacket
- Cylinder Height of Straight Wall: 27.5"
- Cone Height: 16.14"
- Distance from Bottom Ferrule to Floor: 9.44"
- 7.53 square feet cooling contact area.
- 1/4" FNPT coolant inlets and outlets
- Dual Zone Cooling! The cone and cylinder cooling jackets are isolated from each other for more precise cooling control.
- NEW! Our newest design is dimple jacketed rather than tube/shell, resulting in less interior weld distortion.
Additional Features
- 2.5" diameter legs with 2.5" Tri Clover compatible flanges for feet.
- Heavy Duty .118" (3mm) thick inner wall on jacketed versions.
- Jacket Design is such that the coolant is in contact with the inner wall. New dimple jacket design increases the surface area further.
- NEW! Dedicated sample port and sample valve included. Not more taking samples from the racking port. Also allows for samples to be draw if you're continuous hop recirculating.
- Outer wall is 1.5mm thick.
Fermenter vs. Fermentor; what's the difference?
For years now, we have seen both terms used interchangeably on web sites and forums. In order to be technically accurate, we did a little research to find out the difference between a fermentor and a fermenter. It turns out that a fermenter is an organism that causes or performs fermentation. A fermentor is the container or apparatus in which fermentation occurs. So your new fermenter is actually a fermentor and yeast is the fermenter! Does that make your wort the fermentee? I think this requires some more research.
Does not include a glycol chiller or cooling source.
Image does not show included valves and fittings.
Please note that if you do not select the option for the $75 lift gate or $50 residential charge at the time you place your order and require a lift gate and/or delivering to a residential address, the trucking company will add COD charges at the time of delivery that can be several hundred dollars! THIS IS BEYOND OUR CONTROL AND WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO HELP YOU ONCE THE SHIPMENT LEAVES OUR WAREHOUSE! Please select the $75 option if you need a lift gate and/or the $50 option for a residential address.
If delivering to a residential address, the freight company will call ahead to schedule a drop-off time. The freight company may not call ahead to commercial addresses so if you have a specific time that is more convenient please leave a comment or you may be liable for a holding charge from the freight company if they have to store it.
Customer reviews
AbeDec 31, 1969, 16:00This fermenter is awesome. It's admittedly very heavy, but this is a testament to the super sturdy construction. I'm incredibly impressed by how well built this fermenter is. Its design is even better. I have the same size blichmann fermenter, but I prefer this one immensely because it comes ready-built at a reasonable height for gravity drainage, has a much larger outlet for removing yeast, a way more sensible racking arm, and a thermowell and glycol cooling jacket already installed (as well as being much better built). I don't have any complaints.