I included pressures delivered by 3 different pumps, the irrigation pumps used 1 inch tubing and the March 809HS used 1/2 inch tubing.
March 809HS - Produced 0 PSI and would not rotate the spray ball; Just and FYI when the outlet valve is closed completely the pump only generates 3PSI - Way less than the rated 6.7PSI. After in-service for 10 years never rebuilt a new or rebuilt pump might perform better. Pump not recommended for use with this CIP ball.
Wayne PLS100 1HP Irrigation Pump - Produced 3.5 PSI, rotated the ball just fine with 135 Degree PBW and Sodium Hydroxide solutions. In-service for 5 years. Works just fine in a 45 gallon tank and 30 gallon fermenter with this CIP ball cleaning all Boil Trub and Krausen.
Barracuda 691-1808 1HP Irrigation Pump - Produced 8.5 PSI, rotated the ball just fine with 135 Degree PBW and Sodium Hydroxide solutions. Brand new 0 in-service year(s). Works just fine in a 45 gallon tank and 30 gallon fermenter with this CIP ball cleaning all Boil Trub and Krausen.
I mostly closed off the outlet valve on the irrigation pumps and the pressure easily maxed out the gauge.
If the CIP ball did not have as many slits in it for water to come out maybe the the March 809 Pump could run it. I am looking to get a Chugger T-Max pump and see how it performs, I will update if I do.
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