Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 34mm Tri Clamp
- 34mm Tri Clamp X Tri Clamp Compatible Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X NPT Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Hose Barb Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Cam & Groove Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Quick Disconnect Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Beer Thread Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Garden Hose Thread adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Corny Post Thread Adapter
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Compression Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X Flare Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible X BSP Adapters
- Tri Clamp Compatible Clamps
- Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- Tri Clamp Compatible Valves
- Tri Clamp Compatible Ferrules
- Tri Clamp Compatible Caps
- Tri Clamp Compatible Elbows
- Tri Clamp Compatible Tees
- Tri Clamp Compatible Wyes
- Tri Clamp Compatible Crosses
- Tri Clamp Compatible Sight Glasses
- Tri Camp Compatible Concentric Reducers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Eccentric Reducers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Cap-Style Reducers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Spools
- Tri Clamp Compatible Check Valves
- Tri Clamp Compatible PRV Tank Breathers
- Tri Clamp Compatible Pressure Gauges
Shop By Size
- 1/2"-3/4" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 1"/1.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 2" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 2.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 3" Tri Clamp Compatible Fittings
- 4" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 6" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 8" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 10" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- 12" Tri Clover Compatible Fittings
- Brewery Controllers
- Brew Stands & Systems
- Brewing Kettles & Hop Filters
- Burners & Accessories
- Cam & Groove Fittings
- Carbonation Stones
- Conicals & Accessories
- CIP Spray Balls
- Custom Welding
- Fermentor Kits
- 1/2" & 3/4" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 1"/1.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 2" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 2.5" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 3" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 4" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 6" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 8" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 10" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- 12" Tri Clamp Compatible Gaskets
- Kegging Equipment/Accessories
- Modular Return System
- O-Rings
- Pumps
- Quick Disconnect Fittings
- RIMS Tubes & Electric Brewing
- Thermowells
- Stainless Tubing
- Threaded Fittings
- Temperature Probe Components
- Temperature Sensors
- Wort Strainers
- Tubing/Hose
- Weldless Fittings
- Merch
- Clearance
- Anvil Brewing
- Blichmann Engineering
- Five Star Chemicals
- Penguin Chillers
- Tapcooler Bottle Filler & Accessories
- Big 3-Piece Threaded Valve Sale
2" Tri Clover Compatible X 1" NPS Element Adapter
2" Tri Clover Compatible X 1" NPS Enclosed Element Adpater
3-Piece design allows for use with both ripple or straight elements
I've had many requests for a 2" version of the 1.5" covered element adapter. This fitting is specifically made to adapt a 1" NPS heating element into a 2" Tri Clover Compatible fitting. The fitting has a welded cover with a thread-on cap to cover the element connection. Includes a cord strain relief (fits .51" to .75" cord) and internal grounding screw. This is the ideal fitting for adding elements to kettles for electric-fired breweries. Made of 304 SS.
- 2" Tri Clover Compatible X 1" NPS Adapter, welded into threaded cover
- Cover Cap with strain relief (fts .51" - .75" cord)
- Grounding Screw with nuts/washers
- Does NOT include a heater element or any wiring.
- 3-Piece design allows for use with both ripple or straight elements
Material: 304 Stainless Steel
Flange Outside Diameter: 2.516"
Overall Length: 3.75"
- All connections should be made be a qualified electrician.
- There is no guarantee that this adapter will make your connections any safer.
- We are not electricians or electrical engineers! Use this fitting entirely at your own risk.
- Improperly wired electrical circuits can and will KILL you.
- If you have the slightest uncertainties in using this fitting, please return it for a full refund including original shipping cost.
Customer reviews
Joshua BlankenshipDec 31, 1969, 16:00Easily the best and safest product on the market. Just an amazing piece of engineering. Purchased a similar product from a competitor and sent it back the same day. Derrin's products continue to be in a class of their own.
ANTHONY DELVICARIODec 31, 1969, 16:00Another solid product built to last. This thing has some weight to it. Plenty of room inside fixture for a good amount of wire.
John PupparoDec 31, 1969, 16:00wonderful product but now I need a replacement O ring..
can you help me? -
Tim QuiringDec 31, 1969, 16:00This new 3-piece version is much better than the old 2-piece. Well made and a joy to wire and use.